looking for some insight...
I had open RNY on July 30th...and I have not been able to find a comfortable postion to sleep or rest in. Currently I find myself more comfortable sitting/ sleeping in dining room chair. Living room and my bed is truly uncomortable!!! I dont know its because I'm 5'10 or that I'm over 400 lbs...but any suggestion on how ppl slept when they came home from their surgery would be greatly appreciated.
You are fresh out of surgery so you are going to be uncomfortable. I had to sleep on my back, although that is not my normal position. I sleep on my right side, but that was the side that hurt the most. So what I did for about a week, slept on my back, a week later was able to sleep on my left side, then the next week, I was healed enough to sleep on my right. That is how it worked with me. Hope that helps. P.
Pre-Op~312 Post-Op~299 Current~206 Goal~150 1/17/07
I couldn't lay down for about 6 weeks after surgery. I have an oversized couch and so I took all the pillows off the couch and put them on my bed and propped myself up. There were a few times I felt brave and tried to lay down and my son's father had to lift me up out of bed. I couldn't sit in a chair either for about 2 weeks. I had to train myself to sit up and I used pillows to prop me up. I even brought a pillow with me to work so I could sit at my desk and work. It all takes time. I had Lap RNY and so my surgeon basically said he stabbed me 6 times and all core muscles had been injured and were healing. I didn't realize how much I use my core for everyday activities like sitting up and walking.
Best of Luck
Stacey B