Plastic Surgery Prices in Michigan??
I had Dr. Leppink from the Centre for Plastic Surgery do my facelift. He did a wonderful job. He's located on Michigan St. right down from Butterworth Hospital. He came with many recommendations from people he had done (bypass patients). He's very caring and very exact. He's also board certified which means a lot.
Certified OH Support Group Leader
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
I was lucky. I had my bariatric surgeon do my plastics. He even put my belly button in the right spot. I ended up with a cats-a$$ or a dog ear or something and he fixed that. I might have him cut off my moobs.
Get stabilized out and at goal if you can before you slice and dice. It's easier on you.
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."