West Michigan Support Groups
Well, I am a week out from surgery. You all seem like you have a great time together and know each other well. I was wondering if anyonw knows of any support groups or get togerthers in the Kalamazoo area? It seems like everyone on here is from the Detroit area, and while I like to drive, I would like to have something a little closer for more regular meetings. ANy advice?
DS on 06/25/12
There is a patient focus group that MMPC offers in Kazoo. It is at the Gilmore Center for Health Education. The address is: 7 Healthcare Plaza and it is the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm. You can email for some more information if you like. The contact information on my paper is [email protected].
I have not gone to this one, but it is listed on a paper that MMPC gave to me.
Anyone is welcome at an MMPC group. They do not have to be patients because unlike other doctors groups, they understand people's need to have the support of their fellow WLS'rs. I hope you take advantage of their program. You can also contact [email protected] and see about starting your own group. The training is free but the perks are many.
Certified OH Support Group Leader
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Hi Ann,
Hope your picnic went well. How is your support group going?
I did my first meeting in July as the leader. It went pretty well. I had to get a couple of gals
away from being so negative, but it got better. I did the discussion on water and we started with a little stretching. I'm looking for ideas on my next group. If you don't mind sharing what are some of the things
you have presented at your meetings. I would like to bring a speaker in about osteoporosis, soon.
Are you doing well since your surgery? Did you have a tummy tuck? Talk to you soon. Enjoy this beautiful day. Lynn
Hi, our picnic had a small but intimate attendance. We had enough people for a picnic but also just enough for good conversation. Our support group is down to me and one person. I am ending the group as of November 1st. I'll be posting why here later but there is a lady in Morley that will be having one and I'm steering people her way (if she ever shows up to get her stuff from me, that is). Since I'm also an OH support group leader, I have access to handouts that we used at the meeting. These are very good and I would strongly suggest you contact [email protected] and see about becoming an OH leader in conjunction with MMPC. You will have many advantages being an OH leader in addition to the assets of MMPC. It doesn't cost anything, you do the training on 3 different days over the phone and the perks are well worth the time you put into becoming a leader. In addition, you get more information that will help you be a better leader. Check it out.
I didn't do the tummy tuck (that I can keep covered). I had a partial facelift/necklift. The doc took 3 inches of hanging skin off my neck alone. Check my profile. I have posted the pics.
Certified OH Support Group Leader
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
I'm surprised that you aren't in the support group that Dr. Verseman has for his and other bariatric surgery patients. Jen, his MSW councelor, has twice monthly meetings. One at Borgess on the first Saturday and another at Woodbridge on Thursday. Call Gwen, Dr. V's urse and she wil let you know when and where there are support groups.
See you there.