Take care of yourself.......

Jay K.
on 8/2/07 6:56 am - Madison Heights, MI
maybe there's a reason they want someone to break your ribs???? 

"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3

S W.
on 8/2/07 7:12 am - MI
geeze.............I wouldnt wish that on anyone
Jay K.
on 8/2/07 7:23 am - Madison Heights, MI
neither would i, which i why if your ribs were broken during treatment by a doctor who understood your situation, i would hope you would do something to prevent that from being repeated with another patient.  Like i said, i don't know HOW your ribs were broken, you're leaving that part up in the air, but if it was through treatment such as spinal manipulation, there's a big problem with the way you were treated.

"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3

S W.
on 8/2/07 7:27 am, edited 8/2/07 7:27 am - MI
I believe I've indicated that I'm not going to pursue this legally. For many reasons, and most of all, IT IS MY CHOICE. Adding to the issue, I didn't start this thread indicating I wanted to sue my chiropractor, rather it is important one takes care of their body. Osteoporosis is hard enough to live with. IF you dont have it, you dont understand.
Jay K.
on 8/2/07 7:37 am - Madison Heights, MI
i think i understood that you weren't going to do anything.  which is why i feel bad for any other patients with Osteoporosis that go to that doctor.  I just hope no one else has their ribs broken.  Anyway i'm off to go see Patti Smith now. I hope you feel better soon and i'm sorry you're hurting.  I know what it's like to be hurt by a chiropractor, you have my sympathies.

"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3

on 8/2/07 7:51 am - MI
I'll subluxate your mango slicer. kp
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
Jay K.
on 8/2/07 7:54 am - Madison Heights, MI
leave Manuel out of this! http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=7iN&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=subluxation+theory&spell=1 I know it feels good but i wondered why so many people are told they have to come back for years of treatment and why they find subluxation in just about everyone.  And then when i got hurt and so many other doctors told me that i shouldn't let a chiropractor touch me i started researching.  A lot of people who go become friends with their doctors because it a.) feels good and b.) it becomes such a long term relationship.  so it's a touchy subject.

"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3

on 8/2/07 7:57 am - MI
Same thing with sex. kp
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
on 8/2/07 3:17 am - Pinckney, MI
((((((((((Stacey)))))))))))) So sorry you are going through this.  I know how much riding means to you.  I hope you are feeling better soon.  Here is to a speedy recovery...

Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7"  Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current

S W.
on 8/2/07 3:45 am - MI
Thanks (((((((((Shawn)))))))))))) I appreciate your thoughts. It sucks to have to give up riding for a while. Sucks more than the pain in my ribs. Each day is better than the last, and I appreciate the speedy recovery because the sooner I heal, the sooner I can ride. Thanks!! Sw
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