Went to Pre-Op and bummed

on 8/1/07 10:25 am - Davison, MI
I went to pre-op in preparation for surgery, and because of the results of my blood tests my surgery was postponed. They found out I have Gout, I have been on the wrong meds for restless leg syndrome and diabetes. The doc said, and why aren't you on water pills? My PCP has not prescribed them for me. I also have a elevated white cell count-- infection somewhere. I have a small wound on my stomach from surgery a while back that hasn't healed completely so that is another reason, I was told that it was so superficial that it wouldn't matter-- Wrong! I have to contact Dr. Farhan to see if he could help get it healed. Needless to say I am switching PCP'S tomorrow.  I know I will get through this and still have the surgery. Lynn
on 8/1/07 12:53 pm - St. Charles, MI

Hi Lynn, It was nice meeting you today.   I am sorry to hear that your surgery was put on hold.  Hold does not mean you're not going to have it - you just have to get a few things taken care of so you will have a successful recovery.  Sounds like once you get on the right meds and get that wound and infection to heal - you're good to go.   Don't give up.....I could tell from talking to you that you really want this for yourself....DON"T FORGET THAT.  You told me yourself that you WANT TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE AND DO THINGS.  KEEP FOCUSED...you ARE going to have this surgery. Take Care, Cindy  :)

on 8/1/07 11:55 pm - Davison, MI

Hi Cindy, I was happy to meet you too! This postponment is just another hoop to jump, hopefully I can resolve these issues I have and move on soon.  I already made appointments for Drs. Farhan and Minassian this morning. I'll be thinking of you and praying your surgery goes well. Lynn

on 8/2/07 1:18 am - St. Charles, MI
Thanks Lynn.....you won't be far behind.......are you gonna have Minasian be your PCP now? Cindy  :)
on 8/2/07 1:36 am - Davison, MI
Hi Cindy,  Yep, I am making Dr. Minassian my PCP. Lynn
on 8/1/07 12:56 pm - Howell, MI
I'm so sorry to hear that your day went so badly  :-( .  I really enjoyed meeting you!!  Keep me posted as to how you do.  You can email me direct or call me.  I'm sure you will resolve these issues and have your surgery rescheduled.  You have worked at it to hard to stop now!!!  I didn't see you on my way out and wondered how you did.  Keep your spirits up-- you can beat this!! Anne
on 8/2/07 12:34 am - Davison, MI
   Hi Anne, I also enjoyed meeting you. I am definetely not giving up, I was a little upset yesterday,but I got busy and called the Drs. this morning and got appt. for both, happily ditching my PCP for Dr. Menassian, he seems like he really wants to help me. The nurse recommended him highly and said she goes to him herself. I got out of there about 5pm, kinda late, had a nice talk with the doctor. Hopefully I won't have to do all the tests when I go back to Pre -test. I 'll be praying for you on your surgery date and will keep in touch! Lynn
on 8/2/07 12:21 pm - Howell, MI

I'm glad you are still in there fighting!!  I thought Dr. Menassian was very interesting, he seemed to be truly interested and would take the time to answer questions.  I got the feeling he medicates as necessary but doesn't over medicate.  I didn't know that he took private patients-  I think he is the best choice for you!!!  I am scheduled for an IVC filter on the 17th.  That shouldn't be any big deal.  I talked to my manager and team leader at work today.  They are so supportive!   I could tell them that I was having surgery the next day and they would take care of my schedule.  They are even planning to work many of my shifts while I am off on medical leave!!!   Keep in touch on how you are doing.  When do you see Dr Menassian?  I'll keep my fingers (and toes) crossed for you and the prayers coming.  Your turn will be here before you know it!


on 8/2/07 1:20 pm - Clio, MI
I have my preop with Farhan on Wednesday the 8th. I sure hope everything goes well for me. My surgery date is September 4th and I have been waiting a year for this.  Judy
on 8/2/07 11:47 pm - Davison, MI
Hi Judy,  I know it is such a long process, I hope you have lot's of good luck, who knows maybe I will have my surgery scheduled around that time if not sooner. I started this journey in June 06 . Lynn
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