Detroit (ann arbor) Rock City
wassup Michigan?
Anyone else going to Patti Smith in Ann Arbor tomorrow night? Seeing her perform live has been a wish of mine since 1976! i'm so psyched. this is gonna be a great show! Anyone want to meet us after the show for dinner/drinks?
last week we were on stage with Bad Religion at the Warped Tour at Coamerica. was anyone else there? Mel, Dakota, his friend Sam and i were standing next to the drum kit during their whole set. it was incredible. we also ran into Brian Baker (guitar) and Jay Bentley (bass) at lunch at Leo's. what a coincidence! they were so friendly. Brian really went out of his way for us, he looked for us backstage before their set and had his stage crew make sure we got a primo spot on stage. what an awesome dude! Jay was really friendly too. and they rocked. best band of the tour. Family Force Five and Pepper were really good too. Bid D an the Kid's Table weren't bad at all, but unfortunately we missed The Toasters and most of the Unseen's set. I think i was too old for the rest of the bands. Bad Religion was just great though, made it worth being their all day and sitting through all the other music.
oh and i had fresh sliced mango tonight! thanks Kevin! :-D
still losing weight! loving it.
"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3
Don't take this the wrong way but that just tends to make things a bit too complicated being as we won't know how late the show goes. It would be really easy to just go out with people who were also at the show. that way we could just play it by ear and everyone would be right there. Maybe some other time?
"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3