Internist appt today with Dr White...
Had my internist appointment today. Went okay I guess. I was telling Dr White (Internist) that I was interested in the Lap-band, but would let the surgeon decide what surgery was best for me. She did all but laugh in my face. She told me that the Dr's at MMPC would never suggest the lap band for me because my BMI is so large. Well that blows that right out of the water.
I chose Dr Foote as my surgeon. He had a cancellation, so I got in on Thursday (August 2nd). I was expecting the wait to see a surgeon to be a month or better. Thanks to who ever cancelled. :O)
I also have an appointment August 7th for my Psychological Evaluation with Scott. I received lab papers for all the blood work, and a urinalysis for a tobacco dependency. Dr White is going to get back to me on a date when I have to have a Scope down the throat. I hope this all goes fast. I am a miserable little girl that does nothing because I am not comfortable doing it. Uggh!! I just need help!!!
I had a lap band and had it removed 2 weeks ago. For 2.5 years nothing happened. Every Doc. I have talked to since then told me that once your BMI hits a certain point, the lap just isnt very effective. At first I didnt beleive it, but when I look at all the people I know who had a lap and were 50 BMI or higher, it also wasnt very effective for them either. I think you should take the advise of your physician and listen. They know what is treid and proven. Hope this helps! Have a nice day
I see Dr Kemmeter at MMPC, and when I first went in, I was 100% convinced I wanted the Lap-Band. I saw Dr, White, and all she said about it was "are you willing to discuss any other surgery?" I told her yes, (I am paying them to know what is best for me)
When I saw Dr Kemmeter, he suggested vsg. and recommended I look into it you, because of my BMI and I am adament about not having the malabsorption part done. after spending lots of time lurking on the boards here, I agree with him. I am sure this is the right procedure for me.
Now I have to get the insurance to agree with him !!
Dr Kemmeter also did both of my scopes at the same time....well, right after each other. The worst part is the prep the day before. The ICKY GROSS stuff you have to drink to clean out, in particular is the worst part, IMHO. The procedure goes quickly. The nurses and aides are wonderful and they completely send you to lala land. Didn't feel a thing! I will tell you I tried every which way to get out of doing them, but I really was whiny for nothing. Guess they have to "see what they are getting into" LOL

DS on 06/25/12
Hello.. thanks for the reply.. Dr White is sending me for a scope because I have trouble swollowing. I choke at least once a day when trying to eat. She asked me if I had reflux and I dont. But she said that I may have it and not even know it. Hmmm never heard of that one. So she is thinking maybe there is some scar tissue. I dont know her reasoning. I guess I will just comply...Even though I dont want it... but I guess it all comes with the territory...
On another note. How do you like Dr Foote? Please tell me the good and the bad. I have heard nothing but good things about him. I know he has to have a flaw somewhere. But maybe not. I'm not looking for a flaw, but come on now.. he is a man. :O)
awating your reply...
Jodi :O)
DS on 06/25/12
Hey Jodi, I only met him once and was pretty impressed. He spoke very kind and acted like he was concerned about my future having or not having the surgery. He did a great job explaining all of the different surgeries that are available. At first, I was suprised because I thought Dr.Baker (who did my orientation) had the name of Dr. Foote, so I was pleasently suprised to see him walk in. I am actually glad that I mis-informed the scheduler. I am sure you will find him very kind as well. I am sure that if you are not comfortable with him, that you can switch to another doc.