Low Blood Sugar issues - revisited

Pam Eilf
on 7/31/07 12:45 am - Pinconning, MI
I posted a couple weeks ago, about having a run in with low blood sugar.  This is a follow up to it.  I had a very rough weekend. On Saturday, I was very light headed, dizzy, headache, and sweats. I almost fell while coming out of the grocery store, and then again at home trying to get something out of the fridge. Luckily my Mother in law lives with us and is diabetic. She wanted me to test my blood sugar. Low and behold, at 11 am, after having OJ with my meds, Breakfast and a snack, my blood sugar level was only 80. It should run between 90 and 120 first in the morning. I went and seen my GP yesterday. I have hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar. He thinks it is a side affect from the surgery and wants me to follow up with my surgeon, which I will on Thursday. They think it is from consuming a large amount of sugars before sugery, and now the significant drop in sugars consumed is making my blood sugar drop way low. He thinks in time, my body will adjust itself. In the meantime, he wants me to eat 8-9 times a day - same amount of food, but break it down more. He wants me also to consume 20 gr of protien before I work out and 20 grams after I work out. Maybe my surgeon will have something different Thursday. If I get additional information on Thursday from Dr Kam, I will pass it on. Pam

   We write our own destiny.  We become what we do.

on 7/31/07 1:01 am - Chelsea, MI
I have found that mine has leveled out.  I was having issues with it and even passed out once.  All I did was space out my meals.  I find that if I wait too long to eat, the symptoms return.  Hope you get this resolved.   Tina


It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  ~e.e. cummings
on 7/31/07 5:47 am - Davison, MI
Hey Pam,   Been there done that! This is dangerous; please take it very seriously!  My sugar went down to 42 once; got sweats, rapid heart rate, flushing, confusion, headache; and more! They say it is just as dangerous as high blood sugar; you can go into a coma!!! Protein is the key to keeping it at a good level.. I am also dealing with vitamin deficency issue now as well. WLS can do a lot to our bodies; we need to be aware of all the things we must forever deal with now. Get tested with a glocose tolerance test, and blood work on your vitamin levels too. Good luck with your health issues.. Hugs, Judy R  You can also pass out while driving, ect. And organ damage also in question!!!!!
S W.
on 7/31/07 6:57 am - MI
I know we are all different but what my WLS told me was "protein protein protein" when my sugar went down and I had a hypoglycemic attack.  The LPN said to carry a pack of lifesavers candy with me everywhere I go.  Since my first few bouts with low sugar, I have leveled it out and it now runs fine. Check with your WLS surgeon and NUT.  Keep monitoring the levels in a diary too. Wish you the best. Stacey W
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