can youhelp,please??

Pam O.
on 7/27/07 9:45 am - Mt.Pleasant, MI

Ok my dauhgter is getting maried Aug. 08  .. we has alot to but on a LIMITEN budjet.  so this is what she could USE and hopelyy someone can help on some please. I was each & everyone of you to knw  YOU WILL GET YOUR SHIPPINH MONEY BACK.. Thisd is what she can use...  a wedding dress.. sixe 22-24 a local lady offerend her one byt she mught be set then BUT better to have to then NONE!!! jenas 22-24 tops /hirts  # - 4 XL shorts 2224 or #XL now MENS 3& 4 XLT  tee shirts 42, 44, 44 jeans ( these sizes would help 3 ppl) xl, 3xl, and 3xl shorts ( outter ones  LOL )

thanks all you look at this.. these ppl need this stuff bad but with limited incomes is very hard so I told  I would get here first for the. ALL will be shipped to me in MT> PLEASANT  Mich.. I'll give yo better  details when the time comes.  I have checked the clothinhg exchange several time but no look..      thanks agin everybofy.. you all are the best    Pam

on 7/27/07 11:41 am - MI
I can't help you on the girls things. My wife is a scrawny wench. I may have some of my old big stuff for him. No guarantees though. I do know someone who has my old suits though. I might be able to get them back. kp
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
Pam O.
on 7/27/07 11:43 am - Mt.Pleasant, MI
thanks Kevin.. keep me posted please on what you have. you are a good guy even THO you are the KING of FARTS I'm told  LOL       Pam
Pam Eilf
on 7/27/07 11:43 pm - Pinconning, MI
Pam, I have my wedding dress from my second wedding, its not a traditonal dress.  I ordered it from Lane Bryant.  It is a size 26, and is mid calf in length cream color beaded.  It has a sheer beaded jacket.  I will see if I can find pictures if you want.  I live in Pinconning and work in Midland, so maybe we would not have to ship it Let me know Pam

   We write our own destiny.  We become what we do.

Pam O.
on 7/28/07 5:11 am - Mt.Pleasant, MI
thanks for the offer but I think she is looking for a tradional dress.. but I let her know about the offer.      Pam
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