can youhelp,please??
on 7/27/07 9:45 am - Mt.Pleasant, MI
Ok my dauhgter is getting maried Aug. 08 .. we has alot to but on a LIMITEN budjet. so this is what she could USE and hopelyy someone can help on some please. I was each & everyone of you to knw YOU WILL GET YOUR SHIPPINH MONEY BACK.. Thisd is what she can use... a wedding dress.. sixe 22-24 a local lady offerend her one byt she mught be set then BUT better to have to then NONE!!! jenas 22-24 tops /hirts # - 4 XL shorts 2224 or #XL now MENS 3& 4 XLT tee shirts 42, 44, 44 jeans ( these sizes would help 3 ppl) xl, 3xl, and 3xl shorts ( outter ones LOL )
thanks all you look at this.. these ppl need this stuff bad but with limited incomes is very hard so I told I would get here first for the. ALL will be shipped to me in MT> PLEASANT Mich.. I'll give yo better details when the time comes. I have checked the clothinhg exchange several time but no look.. thanks agin everybofy.. you all are the best Pam
on 7/27/07 11:43 am - Mt.Pleasant, MI

We write our own destiny. We become what we do.
on 7/28/07 5:11 am - Mt.Pleasant, MI