OT: Sharing today's joy
Shes a beauty .... YOU look very happy.
For me its the ability to move....Where ever and however I want.
each day gets better, take one day at a time, slow baby steps and just keep following the doc's rules.
Thanks for your comment and post, I have never been so at peace within myself but when I'm riding.
It is my comfort zone, my pleasure, my peace, and my thrill.
Find something that you love, and take that on and remember, there is SOOOOOOOOO much to look forward to!!! I promise you this!!
Keep up the great work!
Stacey W

Hey Stacey-
Even though I am in sunny Fla- I thought I would answer you..lol
I am so glad you are able to be around horses-I know your passion for horses and animals.
My joy is being in Fla with my family and not sweating to death just sitting outside. It is nice to get around normally and enjoying my family (even though I miss hubby and dogs back in MI)
See ya soon!