"New Cheese"..hmm - Anyone???
Is it me just being "late again"
on new product choices, 'er what?
"Just the Cheese• brand Frying Cheese•" (((!))) Made by The Specialty Cheese Company, Inc. located in, none other than, Wisconsin, (of course).
Advertisement reads:
"A new type of all natural cheese cubes that do not melt! Just the Cheese brand Frying Cheeses are great for appetizers and quick snacks yet fit for low-carb lifestyles.
Pop the cubes in the microwave for 15 seconds for a quick hot snack. Fry them for hors d’ouevres. Put them right on the grill as a new treat for your family and guests!"
Great for Low Carbohydrate Lifestyle: each serving has only 1-5 gram of carbs.
Just the Cheese• brand Frying Cheese• come in four varieties:
Frying Cheese —“tastes like grilled cheese without the bread!”
Frying Cheese with Jalapeno —“tastes like zesty grilled cheese without the bread!”
Frying Cheese with Pineapple and Mango —“tastes like French Toast without the toast!”
Frying Cheese with garlic —“tastes like cheesy garlic bread without the bread!”
P.S. Ad also states not only this is 100% cheese but it's simply cheese without all the added "stuff"....(sounds a bit healthier).
Very curious to know what ya'll think about this one!

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((¸¸.·´ * SnoDov *
Indeed that is an interesting if not critical point, Brenda! (One of many reasons why I posted it as it is a "New" product line).
Which brings me to ask, what web site did you find these on? ...Just wondering if we are talking about the same item or this company's other items in the form of cheese snacks, or not?
No doubt an email is more than likely going to be compiled, meanwhile, I still do know most of the Grocery Sales Rep's here in MI and I've been asking around as to who will be bringing these into the stores....
Stay tuned, more later!
(Pssst, real cheese IS fat)

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((¸¸.·´ * SnoDov *
I can't tell if you can only buy it on the website or if you can also get it in the stores. I haven't had a chance to go over the whole site, but I wonder how they ship it to you?
That is the same site I found it on. I emailed them last night with several questions and requests, hopefully they will reply soon.
As for "how" they might ship I don't know... BUT... I do order a specialized raw meat dog food for my dogs and that company ships it via dry ice through UPS. Works out very well! I don't imagine the same for cheese, but insulated packing would be my guess.
Watching for their reply... We shall see!
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I love their baked cheese crisps, i used to eat them when i lost 100lbs on Atkins so the fat amount obviously didn't hurt me but they were way too expensive. This looks too expensive too. I can't imagine how they can make it not melt. that is weird!
"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3
Okay, I ordered a bunch of these products. First, wow, they are SALTY. The snacks are about the size of a nickel and after 2 of them, its like, where's the water! On the plus side, they did give me the 'crunch' I have been craving. The least salty flavor is the cool ranch snacks. I did not buy the frying cheese, so if someone can give some feedback, that would be great. I hope this helps!
Oooh my, *sigh*... Once again my post has been misread. It is NOT about this companies "snack" products I posed my inquiries about, but rather their, new specialty line of "FRYING CHEESES". These were developed for the sole purpose of using in baking, grilling and etc.
Belinda, request for feeback is exactly why/what my original request of others was for. Thanks for your comments, always good to know of snacks that satisfy the crunchy urge!
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((¸¸.·´ * SnoDov *