Low Blood Sugar Post op
Has anyone had problems with this? I tested my level the other morning, and it was 55. I see my surgeon next week, and plan on asking him. I also have an appt with my regular doc the following week.
Mornings and mid afternoon seem to be when I feel like this. I also get a slight headache and a craving for Orange Juice. I drink about 6 oz and then feel fine. Thanks in advance for any input
We write our own destiny. We become what we do.
Hey Baby!!!!
When you start to feel this way grab something with protien in it, your bs will leval off better. Oj is great for a fast increase but will only last 30min or so.
Hey we miss you at the track Lydia keeps asking where the little boy is....lol
I've had problems with hypoglycemia for the last year or so, but it comes and goes without warning. Dr. said to keep extra protein handy and eat 6 small meals a day, and as long as I do that, I'm pretty good. What seems to trigger episodes is change in exercise habits and not eating enough protein through the day. Dietitian said to keep hard candies in my pocket for emergencies and I have gluco-tabs in my purse. My BS has gotten as low as 53 so I know how you feel. From what I've been told this is becoming more common with RNY patients and there are studies being done.
Good luck with your doc.