My own prison..............

on 7/22/07 7:41 am
Post Date: 7/22/07 2:40 pm Seems like forever and a day i was caught i was caught not in one cell but a million...........a billion.............maybe a trillion??? slimy little fat cells that have held me prisoner for so very very long. As they dissolve and melt away one by one i think of all the things i can do now that i have not been able to do for the past 25+ years, I feel one more little peice of me slipping into the freedom that ive yearned for all my life. I look to the walks i take now and the ones im going to be sure and take from here on out, the horses i will be able to ride without fearing for theyre health, the roller coasters i will be able to get on and ride with all the excitement and joy i have always felt on them, not the tears of frustration and embarrassment i had the last time i tried to get on one and had to hurry and get up and get out of the car so the rest of the line could go, I look forward to putting on a swimsuit and actually be able to swim not just float because god knows i was way to buoyant to dive (not any more), ive actually made friends with my bike, it does not look like the tires are flat when i ride it now,And not every lawn chair looks like a booby trap to embarrass me by dumping my kookarachas in front of god and everyone.  With every little fat cell that utters its final little fizzle as it dries up and becomes my new found fuel for my body comes a feeling of total control and accomplishment and a AHA  you will suffocate me NO MORE moment and i let them go without even saying goodbye....................they will hurt me NO MORE! With every step i take i get more bounce more energy and more flat out JOY because i am beating this awful awful disease..........this self created prison.................and pray to never have to revisit it again.  I revel in the smiles i see on peoples faces because i am NO LONGER ashamed to look them in the face, not at all. I hope you all see the wonderment i see and the fear of the unknown doesnt scare you into not seeing the living miracle you are and the courage it took you to get you to the point you are at today, youre brave my hearts you are brave no matter where you are in this journey, you are in the journey, and to those of you that are fighting complications we are here with you we will not go anywhere else, we are an army and we will win this ONE FAT CELL AT A TIME if that is what it takes, I am here for you as i am sure you are here for me. I love you all Lets break these chains that bind and if you need help you call on me im right here. hugz  kat


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Jenn F.
on 7/22/07 10:33 am - Lansing, MI
What a refreshingly honest post about morbid obesity.  I've never thought of it that way. Congratulations on your continued success!
on 7/22/07 11:26 am - West Bloomfield, MI
Kat, I just love reading your posts. You are such an inspiration and I hope to follow in your footsteps soon.  I will be meeting Dr Krause sometime in August.  I hope I can have as much success and positive attitude as you do.  Thanks so much, I konw I am not alone in loving what you have to say. ~Sheryl
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