Join me??....CAR SHOW anyone??
My family is charter members of the American Legion Organization. Our post was named in honor of Robert L. Poxon. We try our best to do all different kind of fundraisers through the year to raise money to support our veterans.
On Friday, August 10th at 6pm till dusk. We are hosting a CLASSIC CAR SHOW fundraiser. Please come and join us for the fun!! Bring a chair, camera, family and friends. The more the merrier!!
There will be music (DJ), 50/50 raffle, Chinese raffle with prizes from local merchants (restaurants, haircuts, golf, bakeries, bingo, oil changes, bowling, etc…to give you an idea). Food and beverages available for Cheap (polish kielbasa, hot dogs, nachos, chili, munchies, etc) If you have a food request, please let me know and I can see what I can do.
Please come and support our vets and join in on the fun. I thought this would be a great way to get together and tribute to a good cause too.
Some months we will have special attractions such as a Pet Adoption, caricature artist, etc.
ALSO- If you are interested in showing your CLASSIC car, just show up that day with it. There is no registration or entry fee.
(576) 276-0116
There is a euchre tournament coming up, we run 3 bingos a week and we are accepting new members to join us. If you have any questions or suggestions
please contact me.
Thanks so much. God Bless.