OT: what are you wearing?
Ok, so I'm a dork. I haven't been out to a club since my kids were born (they are teenagers). I don't have any idea what to wear for our big night out to Boogie Fever.
Can you wear flip flops to a club? I have to buy something new anyway, my summer clothes are getting worn out.
And, to add even more OT stuff to this post....how bad does it suck that I have lost almost 130 lbs. and I'm still in the plus size clothes?? I started out in 3x, and now I'm in a 1x. Well, 1x is kind of big, but an XL in regular is too small. UGH!
Anyway, any help you can offer is appreciated. And please don't shoot the sunshine and tell me it doesn't matter what you wear, because really.....it does

Funny you mentioned this. My husband and I will be going to Vegas in a few weeks. We plan on hitting the clubs. I tried on at least 100 dresses and none of them fit me right. My hips are too big for my waist...grrr.
Anyway, I decided to try this blouse on and think it will work for clubbing.

I think I just sorta high jacked your post, but I thought it might give you some ideas. Hopefully I'm not totally out of whack with what I'm wearing.

Don't worry about the hijack!
Cute top....I can't get away with sleeveless....don't want to scare anyone with the batwings!
I went to Vegas in May and had such a good time! I loved it because although there were TONS of Barbie looking girls, there were a lot of just regular people too. Have a good time!
Brenda....go to DOTS in Westland over by Fashion Bug. Also I found a TON of clothes at Burlington Coat Factory...I got a shirt for 5 bucks....Don't go to DebPlus....kinda on the really really young side. Unless thats the look you are looking for.
Hmmm maybe I need to rethink this night out. Can we still join? I don't dance.....but love to watch.