Any support groups near Davison?
I don't know of any since I live up north, but just wanted to let you know that when there wasn't one here in my town, I decided to just start one! I needed one and one wasn't available, so I posted it in the announcement portion of the local paper (free), posted it at the local dr. offices or at least leave the info there and when bariatric patients come in, the dr's can refer them to your group. We meet at a local restaurant (sounds crazy to some people that we meet in a restaurant of all places, but hey, everyone has to have dinner of some sort....or a drink....or soup....or cottage cheese...whatever) You'll be surprised how many people come out of the woodwork! We have a great group now....we support each other, share ideas, etc. Just an idea. Best of luck to you!
Hurley has a support group that meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. 1st Monday is officially put on by Hurley, 3rd Monday is more casual group. It meets at the Hurley Health and Fitness center. I haven't been there, but have been invited. I've heard it's a good group. You can call Hurley bariatric to get more info.