Vitamin deficency's???????
Hello friends, Well, I got a call from my NUT today; and needless to say the news was not good. She told me that my vitamin B1 is so low that it is impossible to even register, B12 is also low, along with calcium, and vitamin D. I have been taking adult certrum chewables; and calcium. Aparently these are not enough; and I can suffer some serious problems due to these deficencies! I was wondering if any of you have ran into this problem since your RNY? I was told to go to my Dr and get vitamin B1 & B12 injections until I can get these numbers up. I read some distrubing things about all this on web md! This is also an alarm to others; please take charge of your health, and do not ignore or dismiss anything! Some of these vitamin def. can lead to other things that can cause permanent damage, and or disabilities! I was really unware of all the risks. Now I must get all the information I can and work on correcting my problems before they become majorly serious ones. If anyone has any tips please let me know a.s.a.p. Thanks, Judy R
Open RNY 9-8-2003
DS Revision 7-29-09
300 Lost
Went to Doctor; I am feeling no less stressed than before. My family doc said what does your surgeon say. The surgeon I haven't seen since my surgery I asked; well they say I am now your patient! I guess I am going to have to reasearch my own answers. Doc did give me a scrpt to B12 injections on weekly basis; and said take more multiples and a B complex. Nothing much about vitamin D or calcium. I did not have this surgery to backwards in my health!!! I am soooo angry! I told my family Dr about the articles in Web md about encephalopathy and brain damage, neurological complications from lack of B1! This is serious; so why do I not get the feeling they are listening?? I am going to overcome this before it does certain damage to me; but it would be nice if I felt like my doc was on my side. Everyone please keep on top of your blood work ups!!! Article I read said WLS patients can be permentally damaged! We must make them listen. My doc is not in the loop at all with the updates of Bariatric care!! Judy R