
Amanda G.
on 7/17/07 11:16 pm - Lapeer, MI
I just got a phone call from the bariatric clinic they are getting ready to submit my paperwork to the insurance, but she is not to positive that I will get approved because aparently my doctor that went me to weigh****chers for weight loss, never wrote in my records that he sent me, so my diet documentation has no doctor support in my records anywhere.  She thinks that this will probably result in me getting denied for surgery.  I feel like crud right now, I don't really know how to explain it.  Has anyone else been denied or had to appeal a denial, because I am affraid that is the road I am going to have to be going down soon.  I need help!
MC 06/2009
MC 09/2009

MC 11/2009
D&C, polyp removal, and division of partial septum 4/20/2010

Marie P.
on 7/18/07 12:04 am - Saginaw, MI


I see we have the same doctor.  What insurance do you have?  Do you have your Weigh****chers documentation, your attendance booklet?

I have Blue Cross.  My doctor sent me to Weight Wachers.  Weigh****chers attendance booklet  was sufficient.  You may want to call your insurance company and ask that question. Marie


Amanda G.
on 7/18/07 1:04 am - Lapeer, MI
I have BCN MI (blue care network of Michigan) aparently they are must more strict then Blue Cross (from what I was told by someone at Dr. Farhans office today)  I have my one year of recrods that i got straight from weigh****chers and they have copies of all of those weights, once a week every week minus a few vacations.  So I am crossing my fingers but preparing for the worst.
MC 06/2009
MC 09/2009

MC 11/2009
D&C, polyp removal, and division of partial septum 4/20/2010

on 7/18/07 2:15 am - detroit, MI
Don't worry....I have Blue Care Network and was able to use my Weigh****chers documentation only.  I didn't have any doctor support although I had many different co-morbities.  Make sure to send copies of your weigh****ers info with your request.  We also sent photos of me...a front and side view so they could see what 432.6 pounds really looked like.  It only took 6 weeks to get me approved from the time I first met with the surgeon until the day I was approved.  Best Wishes! Stacey B 432.6/297/160
on 7/18/07 5:47 am - onaway, MI
Don't let BCN push you around. I had two written appeals and a face to face appeal. And I was approved after the face to face.  The main reason they turned me down was the twelve month of weight loss attemps. If you have turned in your weigh****chers history you should be fine. I have heard that they almost always turn down on the first try. But never ever give up. I will happen for you.

Linda Ton
on 7/18/07 6:02 am - Pontiac, MI

Don't be sad.   you may get denied, but in the end i believe they''ll approve you.  I had to go all the way to the in person appeal also, it took a year.   I had nothing in my records , nor did i have ww.  When it came to the face to face and they seen how desperate i was, i was approved right away.  So don't let it get you down if you're denied, it isn't a definate no , you can appeal.   Just have the determination to fight them and i know you'll win.    Let me know if you need any help.



Amanda G.
on 7/18/07 1:25 pm - Lapeer, MI
Thank you so much everyone I have been a big of an emotional reck today because I worry (its just what I do) so I have been doing a lot of that today, but I had some time at the mall with my cousin and I was actually not thinking about it.  I think one of my major problems with the lack of documentation (besides weight documentation) is I just don't go to the doctor, I am only 25, I have very few issues related to my weight even though I am around 350, I have had some recent knee problem, but I never go to the doctor because of it (in retrospect I guess I should have so it would be documented) but I dont complain about a lot so i just take alieve and rest it for a few days.  I hope I dont sound crazy saying stuff like that, but I just never complain about pain, or go to the doctor much.  My 4 years of medical records is like 10 pages! But anyway thank you everyone.... And dont be surprised if I ask you all for more help and support, you guys have been great.  I have a great husband, but its soo wonderful to talk to others that have gone through things and are going through the same things I am.
MC 06/2009
MC 09/2009

MC 11/2009
D&C, polyp removal, and division of partial septum 4/20/2010

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