Pureed Diet eww
Hello All,
I am having the worst time with the liquid diet. Nothing I have eaten tastes good to me. I get nauseated even thing about having soup or pudding or a protein drink. I am forcing myself to eat. I will start on the pureed diet in 2 days. I went shopping today and got alot of ingredients for recipes in my Barix Clinic book. I am scared to try foods pureed. What if I cannot tolerate anything and end up puking. Can anyone give me pointers on how to get through the next 2 weeks on pureed foods. Jeez-all I want is just one cracker-something crunchy. Oh yeah on the brighter side I have lost 25lbs since my surgery 6-27-07.
Now you know why we lose so quickly in the beginning. Concentrate on getting protein in, no matter how nasty it tastes to you. Get it really cold, put it in a narrow-necked bottle to keep the smell away and GET 'ER DOWN. I found that mixing it with water was better than milk to get it thinner and more palatable. It isn't food at this point, it's medicine.
Ooops, that sounded like a lecture. Hang in there, it will be a bumpy few months. A great time for cleaning out the closets, though.
Ooops, that sounded like a lecture. Hang in there, it will be a bumpy few months. A great time for cleaning out the closets, though.