I was just a swinging.....
my arms walking my buns off last night!!! I wish I could really do that!
I did my walk last night and I felt so much better than the week prior. I plan on walking again tonight. Need to get back into the routine. Keep the weight off that I lost from being sick. I'm slowly but surely getting back to my old self!!

Hey Carey,
Glad to hear you're feeling better.
God bless,
God bless,

Hey Carey -
Heard you were out sick, lost your cell number so I couldnt cll. Never thought to ge on here havent bee on in so long.
I am due in this Saturday , I have left several messages to get my appointment time but noone has eturned them. Can you let me know either via my cell 231-510-0067 or email [email protected].... Would appreciate it and I look forward to talking with you again, I miss you guys. ... And Brittany misses Doc...LOL
See you Saturday I appreciate the in advance you getting me the time.. Youre an.
So glad you are getting back together, you deserve it!!!!!!!!
Melissa Kasarskis