At your stage, a very long time. Keep on sipping! Little sips as often as you can stand them, you will develop a rhythm.
And ask the doctor about the iron pill I take, Hemaplex. Not a nasty taste, and they would probably break okay. It includes some vitamins and has not caused any constipation. Hang in there, it will be a rough ride for a month or two but then it will get better.
And ask the doctor about the iron pill I take, Hemaplex. Not a nasty taste, and they would probably break okay. It includes some vitamins and has not caused any constipation. Hang in there, it will be a rough ride for a month or two but then it will get better.
(deactivated member)
on 7/18/07 11:57 am
on 7/18/07 11:57 am
It takes "for freakin ever"!
I didnt even attempt to drink from a 16 oz water bottle.. I used a small 4 oz glass and filled it many times during the day just to feel like I accomplished something :)
Slow sips... best of luck.. it will all fall into place soon. I NEVER thought in a milion years that I'd be able to drink a whole 16 oz let alone 64+ in a day.