Honey I'm home
Hi Everyone, Did you miss me? Well I missed all of you. It feels good to be back home.
K.P., Jon, Jay, Paul, Jane, Brenda, Sherri, Judy, Rhonda, Rhonda, Carey, Susanne, Mel, Lori, Kathy, Terri, Ahmad, Carey’s hubby, Sherri’s hubby, The people sitting to my right ~I can see your faces, but can’t remember your names for the life of me Sorry. And the poor little creature in the bathroom that they kept trying to flush down the toilet. It was great to see some of you again, and to meet others of you for the first time face to face. Teri you are such a gracious hostess, K. P. thank you for having all of us over for a wonderful night. Please tell Ahmad to wear some clothes next time. Oh by the way when I got home I was wearing a leopard skin Speedo. Um you didn’t happen to find a lacey light pink G-string trimmed in baby blue did you? I seem to have lost mine. I’m not sure but it might be out back past the fence. Somewhere near the pond maybe? Thanks for looking. One more question ~Why are all of the hot guys married or about to be married????? No more flirting with Paul, No more flirting with Paul, No more flirting with Paul. Sorry Lori, I couldn’t help myself. Jane thanks for the ride, and for letting me sleep it off on the way home. No one suspected a thing LOL. Talk to you all later. God bless, Annette
God bless,

God bless,

God bless,

And I don't think I want to know about speedo exchanges, especially in the Element. The windows are tinted enough that probably the neighbors didn't get photos.
Congratulations on the job, be sure to get in touch with Wendy, she was looking for you.
God bless,

God bless,