Well, we made it to Oklahoma just fine. The weather here is GREAT!!!!! HOT HOT HOT!!!! Problem is that all the stores and restauants (Ive gone in so far anyway)... are FREEZING COLD!!!!!! Today we went to Chilis... I had on a sweater and was still soooo cold!! WalMart..... I freeze just trying to get my darn groceries!! Good Grief - going from super hot, to ice cold in three minutes isn't good for my sinuses either!!!
But all in all, It's beautiful here.
Thanks Dora - I'm going to miss Wednesday lunches too!!! Dorthy, Penny, Mike, Gay, those people have been there for me through everything. We've had a GREAT time for the past two years.... but I'll be back during the holidays and we'll get together then.
I'm actually TAN now!!! I've had to change my make up foundation because it was way too light. heehee Gotta love this Oklahoma SUN!!!
Glad that you made is safe and sound.
Watch out for those gully washers they have in OK. The one time I was in OKC it started rain as we left the convention center. By the time we got to our hotel in Lawton, the puddles were over our knees. Not fun in full square dance petticoats and skirts. It raind 6.5 inches in less than an hour. It was very impressive glad I wasn't driving.