Four Days Post-Op - Some Questions

on 7/13/07 4:49 am
So I had surgery on Monday (they were able to do laproscopc RNY, so that was a huge relief) and I was out of the hospital by Wednesday morning, to reccoperate at my folks house. I think things are going well, not much pain to speak of, but a sort of 'pressure' that comes and goes when i drink and/or use the bathroom. i assume this is just the feeling of being full. i know they said take little sips, but i guess i never really knew how small a little sip was and it hink for the first day i was trying to sip too much at a time... now i measure out my sips in a medicine cup (about 20 ml per sip and then i wait at least 15 minutes before the next sip)... does that sound about right? i've been up and around a bit, but am sticking close to home for the most part since i don't know my new body all that well yet... i wish i had picked up some profect protein or pro-stat as i didn't realiz that getting in my protein and fluids would ne so hard... i'd feel better if i knew i was getting at least my protein in, even if it takes me a while to catch up on fluids... Anyway, my big question is basically how long did it take you to 'get in the groove' of knowing how much you could sip at once, etc... how long until you started feeling relatively normal again?
on 7/13/07 5:00 am - Vassar, MI
Well I am glad to hear that everything worked out well for you and that you are home and doing well. It will take you some time to get used to everything the new way. Well I am not normal and never have anyways you will feel better each just keep trying and things will get easier.....
on 7/13/07 6:34 am - MI
It sounds as if you already are learning your limits. You will feel them. After a while it becomes second nature as to quantity and quality. Try Isopure in the bottle for protein in a clear liquid form. kp
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
Anna Banana
on 7/13/07 9:01 am
I would say it took me about a month or so to get used to sipping the proper amount and feeling "normal". Well, maybe more than a month cuz I got a stricture about 3 weeks out, but once that was taken care of it was not long before I felt good again. Right after my surgery I was taking tiny tiny sips of water and feeling like I was never going to get the minimum of 64 ounces/day in! Now I can take much bigger drinks that I sometimes think are probably too large, but just goes to show we DO get comfortable with our bodies again. As far as getting in all your protein and water...Has Mary the nutritionist called you yet to see how you're doing? She will tell you that as long as you are getting even half those amounts at this point you are doing very well. Don't worry! It will get easier, I promise :) Anna
Chris Zane
on 7/15/07 11:15 am
I know this is a late reply, but I just discovered the Michigan board.  I am a little over 3 weeks out and my first 2 1/2 weeks were pretty rough.  I'm starting to feel a bit more normal now, so just hang in there.  Also, for me the first week or so it was hard to drink cold water.  Warm decaf tea or just room temp water went down easier. For protein - there are these 42g bullets (like the profect, but those are only 25g).  You can order them online at     They are a life saver to me because it makes it much easier to get your protein in.  I just drink about 1/2 at a time - it is only a few sips (yes, it is very strong, but I just don't breathe through my nose).
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