Has anyone tried Muscle Milk Light???
Hey has anyone out there tried Muscle Milk Light ??? It has 25 g protein, 2 g. sugar and is low cal and low fat! Directions say 2 scoops w/ water, but you can use ff milk if you tolerate it? I was going to try it after surgery to help with liquid protein those 2 weeks after surgery. Just curious if it's good or what anyones experience has been. It's supposed to be really great stuff for your body's recovery process. Okay that's my question.
I'm so happy approval came this week. Now I can get this show on the road!
~Hugs, Steffanie

I tried the ready to drink stuff in Rootbeer float flavor. It wasn't bad tasting, but it upset my stomach a bit. I could probably drink it now, but when I was first out...it really bothered my pouch. Other than that, I don't have any experience with it. Keep in mind when you mix it even with ff milk, you're adding extra calories...which you'll need at first...but when you start adding real food to your diet, it'd be something to watch.
May you have an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery. I wish you much success.

For Mom, and Kelly
"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference. "