how small is a small bite
Hi, I was just wondering, how small is a small bite that we are supposed to take. Is there a way to decide the size. I'm taking what I consider a small bite, compared to how I used to eat, and I chew chew chew, but still think I may be doing to big of bites. Should it be the size of say a marble, a dice, half a marble, I just am not sure how to judge, and would appreciate some suggestions. I think either I ate to fast today, or my bites were not small enough, as I got a big pain, and got sick to my stomach today right after eating. Boy, this is hard to learn to re-eat. Sometimes I feel like I'm being a big baby asking all these questions, but you all have been through it and I appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks for any info. JO
What I do is cut meat like I would for a baby. Like a 2-3 year old. My youngest is 3 so I know what she can handle. That size usually works for me. So try that, if it helps, chewy stuff, like chicken, cut it into little pieces and you won't have to chew as much. You will still have to chew at least 30 times, but not 100 like with a bigger bite.
Good Luck
Jenny R