Sleep study results
Well I received the results of my sleep study that I did earlier this week. Well I am a failure...
They said I have severe sleep apnea, and need a CPAP machine. They mentioned I had something like 350 "episodes" in 6 hours of sleeping, and my longest period of not breathing was like 44 seconds. Which resulted in a desaturation into the mid 80's.
This just looks like another things I can use in my favor to get a approved for WLS.
Hey Curt with you being a medic i'm sure you know the dangers of sleep apnea. After your next study to find the strength you need, make sure to get your cpap a.s.a.p. Does your insurance cover it? Make sure to get fitted for the most comfortable mask, that's important. It's hard to get used to it at first, but just do it, you have no choice. You're lucky to be diagnosed now. Make sure your anesthesiologist knows as soon as you meet with him too.
This makes it easier for approval, so hopefully it will be soon.
Hey when you gonna let us know what BT means? We may just have to start guessing ya know.