Denied Again....
I just wanted to let everyone know that my appeal to Empire (I mean Sh#t) Blue was denied. They said I do not have enough clinicial documentation of my rashes. I am really frustrated about this. You know I have been very optimist up to this point about things. Today I just lost it I balled my full head off about this.
I still feel fat, I still feel unattractive. I want that fat roll gone.. I want the skinny thighs to but I know I have to pay out of pocket for that. I am just at that point where I need the TT. I have lost way over 100 pounds and kept it off. My 2 year anniversary is in 15 days.
I don't want any posts here of someone suggesting another dr to me. I love Hendrick and do not want another soul to touch me for my TT. His staff has been so helpful for me throughout this process and I know they have done all they could have done to help me get approved.
I now have to wait until fall again to submit the crap to the insurance probably. I work at a job where the only months I can take off is between Sept and the beginning of Feb. So I am SOL until then.
Are there actually WLS patients out there that have not had a TT and still feel complete with their journey?? I dont feel complete. I need that roll gone!!!
Thanks for letting me vent.
Hi Suzanne
Don't feel so bad about this, when the time is right it will happen. I am well over two years out and lost over 200 pounds, and still haven't had mine. Financially i can't afford to take the time off to do it. My insurance will probably cover it, but i just haven't done it. Think of it like this, i'm sure that roll looks way better than what you started with. I just hide it the best i can with cheap undergarments and don't let it get to me(believe it or not, the cheap ones at meijer works way better for me). Just be patient, your time will come.
I don't really know what to say to you, since I am just starting my WLS journey at 7 weeks post op, but I wanted to send you a big cyber hug to let you know that I care and that I am sorry you are going through this. Don't give up, it will happen when the time is right...
Shawn M.
That's a bummer. But I want to say that you are a major babe. Now this is coming from an old hound dog I know but I do know babage when I see it so there.
Do the process again. Let them know it is time they deal with your situation.
I wish I could tell you what you want to hear about having or not having a TT but even the skin problem I had was irritating and made me uncomfortable. I would sleep with it rolled up under me and it would wake me up.
So I know you are not happy with it. Take a break then keep at them.
BTW - I like him too. I always have. He's a great guy.
Positive vibes for you.
Suzanne, I can truly relate. I tried last year for a TT and was denied for the same reason that there was not enough documentated treatment for the rashes. I think you are like me, and with clothes on, we are small. So when most people see me, they say I am too skinny to need a TT. I almost wanted to take off my clothes in front of the appeal board last year, but I did not want it THAT bad. LOL So, I have spent the last 8 months going to my PCP EVERY month to have him document and treat my rash, and am meeting with the plastic surgeon again next week. Hang in there, you ARE beautiful, but I understand your need for completion. It is like having a knee replacement and not going for physical therapy. I will keep you updated on my repeat journey, in case there is something that will help you. Carol
This may sound like a dumb question, but I'm only 3 weeks post op...have you sent in pictures?? Call me sick, but I'd purposely allow a rash, take pictures and send it to them with my necessary paper work. I don't even know if that's an option, but just a thought. I hope this next time you're able to get through to them.
Suzanne, I am so sorry ! I don't have any advice and don't even know what to say since I haven't personally even had the RNY yet and I don't know anyone that has had a TT. But I do want you to know that I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts and perhaps it's just a sign that it's not time yet. Keep your chin up and keep trying ! I know it's easier said then done. ~~Rona