Oh Jon you'll be walking if your going to the Henry . I have been wanting to go there since they rennovated the village but haven't had the opportunity so please share how your day goes.
(who is old enough to remember the McDonald's Golden Arches that are now displayed in the museum when they were still at the Mickey Dee's at 12 & John R (Don't tell KP since he's a school teacher but we HP'ers would skip 1st hour study hall and go there or the WC lounge at 12 & Dequidre)
REALLY? Well maybe when I meet my daughter later today we will just have to go there for a late lunch. SHE has never had the pleasure of sitting in the car with her mom during a gas fest! Won't that be a nice birthday present for her?? Oh Stacey I am giggling just thinking about it.
Thanks for the heads up