Secret Pal
I think secret pals will don,t wan,t to say
how I feel why would somone sign up
to be a secret then not bother with me
think you for lisning maybe its stuped to
think that way but we had a secret pal
In our group I sat there as everone got there gift
I was the one that didn,t get I will never get into
that again or I,m never going to a metting again
It realy hurt my fellings!!!!!
again thanks for lising to me
Mary Jo..... don't feel bad..... in the first month I had the same person that had me.. and they regifted my item back to me... which was handmade.... then I didn't get anything for 2 months (after getting a new pal)... but got something this month and last month.... You are not the only one that will never sign up for something like this... plus I didn't get thank you's from my pal until I emailed to find out if they got their from me.... never heard anything from last month either as to wheter or not she got it... I put a lot of thought into the gifts I sent and didn't feel that anyone really cared about me.... you are not alone.... keep your chin up.... we can have our pity parties together... LOL....
Shawn M.