Waiting is driving me nuts!!!
I just started trying to get approved by BCN. The first letter has gone out on 11/28/06.
They already sent a letter back stating that my surgeon didn't give them my BMI or list of medications. I saw what was sent to them and that was the very first thing on the letter!!! I am so afraid of being turned down because of the 12 months of superivsed diet clause. I was diagnosed with Diabetes II last Nov. and was put on a diet then. Does anyone have a idea if this will be good enough for BCB? I have about 7 co-morbidities and a BMI of 47.1 you would think that would be enough wouldn't you.
Thanks for letting me vent!!
Hey Joni ! Unfortunately I don't have much insurance advice. But I wanted you to know that I said a little prayer for you that they will come through with a decision VERY soon. It would be a great Christmas gift if they called and said yes ! I know you are having your surgery at Munson too, may I ask which dr? I think it would be great if we were roomies ! I wish you the best of luck and let us know ASAP when you hear something ! ~~Rona
Thanks for the infor Rona!
My Surgeon is Dr. Slikkers. I like him very much. I'm beginning to think that I won't make the Feb. surgery date. When I saw Dr. Slikkers in Nov. all of January was already booked. So now I'm thinking it will be March or April. I don't really care as long as I get approved.
Keep in touch and I will let you know when things start to progress.
I have BCN and I had my surgery August 28th and my advice is Good Luck. They are one of the hardest ones to get approved. My surgeon asked me if I could changed insurances because we really didn't have any hope. I think if you post and ask Linda Ton or look up her profile, I believe she had a really hard time with them and even had to go in front of the insurance board of appeals with them. I had over 12 months of dieting and co-morbities and I met every other critieria. I did ask them if I could have my psych eval by an out of network Dr and they told me I could as long as I pay for it myself; which I did. They denied me for using an out of network Dr for my psyche eval!! I had another psych eval with the only Dr in the network in the area and we re-submitted my paperwork. My surgeons office is so wonderful and really stayed on BCN and I was approved within a week. I would suggest sending pictures; front and side views to the insurance company. It's one thing to say what your height and weight are but to actually see it may help. I think it helped me. Best Wishes!
Stacey B
Hi Joni, Well I had BCN and it took me over a year to have my surgery. I had diets and dieet attempts in my chart but still told me no becasue I did not go and have my weight checked every month and my PCP left info out of my chart. I went in front of the review board and they still denied me. So I started seeing the dietician and my new PCP monthly. After a year I re-submitted to BCN and they still denied me becasue they did not like the way the dietician documented. So as I was going back into the appeal process, one of the reps at BCN told me if I had a diary to send maybe that would help. So I sent my journal. It was a food journal and my life. Then I had gotten a phone call shortly after I faxed that over and they said I was approved. I had sleep apnea, high cholesterol, boderline diabetes, hypertension and they still gave me a hard time. Just be very prepared. Good luck to you