Insurance Question...
I have BCBS of MI. (Comm Blue PPO).
THEY REQUIRED: at least 1 year supervised and documented weight loss attempts by a physician.
Letter of recommendation from my PCP
I wrote about 4 pages of my documented weight loss history since I was 8 years old, failures and successes, and had to go see a Psychiatrist for a psych consult before I could meet my WLS.
The more documentation of weight loss success and failure you have written out, the better. If she went to weigh****chers, or other places, have that documented on paper. Not necessarily signed by those places, just that she made attempts and what happened.
I suggest starting with a physician referral to a WLS surgeon, then start working on the paperwork mentioned above.
Feel free to email me for more questions!
Good Luck!
Stacey W
17 months post op today
Thanks for the information. I had heard that they require a year of supervised diets but was hoping it was not true. She recently went to Weigh****chers but gained weight without exceeding their required points. She was average to moderately obese as a child but when she had children, she gained and didnt loose. She is only 5'2 so every extra pound shows. She is tired all the time and the weight is beginning to take it's toll on her health. She has already been in touch with her surgeon of choice so maybe we can get the ball rolling soon. (It looks like it's going to be a LONG roll though).
She would have to be going to Barix clinic. You might have knownthem in the pat as the FIrst Bartiatric treatment center, they are in Ypsilanti, she would have to be going to one of there dr.s I am sure for the insurance dept. to help you. They have a team of people that work on nothing but getting approvals. Thas why they have a speciality hospital for only weight loss patient here is there number if you need it 800-994-6677