Hi everyone. Last night, well early this morning rather for about 4 hours i had UNBERABLE pain starting from my right shoulder down my spine, in my right side, and in my chest. It was very difficult to breath, and i couldn't stand to sit or lay down without wincing. I had a slight fever and chills and have been told this is possibly a case of gallstones, anybody else go through anything similar or have any input for me?...
Yes- sounds like what I went through- let me advise you take care of it now. If not the constant inflamation causes your gallbladder to go porcelain (where the walls calcify) AND not only does it become an open and not lap surgery- it is the precursor to gall bladder cancer.
It takes an ultrasound to diagnose and from what I hear lap gall bladder surgery is easy and almost painless.
Have it checked asap!