Anyone had a TT performed by Dr. Marshall?
Hi Everyone,
Long time no post. I have moved to Alabama and went to see a plastic surgeon here and they informed me that in Alabama, insurance WILL NOT pay for the TT. While I was in Michigan, Dr. Marshall said he would do my TT and insurance WOULD pay for it. What the heck is the difference. It would be cheaper for me to drive back to Michigan and have insurance pay for it than to pay $18,000 here for it. I guess what I am trying to get to is has anyone out there had any experience with Dr. Marshall's TT's and did insurance pay. I have Fed BC/BS. Any info would be appreciated. Try to stay warm up there.
Hi Kelli--is Dr. Marshall a plastic surgeon? My feeling is that if you want reconstructive work done you should use a plastic surgeon--just like i would not go to my plastic surgeon for bariatric surgery......just my opinion.......btw i am very happy with my tummy tuck that is about 7 weeks old!--i look wonderful grin hug rae