I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and great advice. I have researched WLS for a long time (about 8 years to be exact) and the CORI center was like the 4th place I went to before I met a surgeon that I felt comfortable and confident with. I called the center back and voiced my concerns. My surgeon's medical assistant was very nice and explained to me what happened in more detail. It definately was not something the surgeon or the CORI center could control, it was an issue with the hospital. So after that I felt more at ease. After discussing my options with my family and talking to my supervisors at work I decided getting it done before Xmas would still be best. As far as travelling I was assured by them that I should be able to travel to Cleveland (about 3 hours) after I am discharged from the hospital. She said they have patients from as far as 5 hours away who travel home after having the procedure done. We would probably still wait until the 24th to leave and I am sending my suitcase and post op food home early with my younger sister who is coming to visit me this week. So I am still very nervous and every now and I then I second guess myself. But overall this is something I have wanted for so long and I just don't want to wait any longer. Wish me Luck.
Hell, the first time i scheduled for surgery i already had been on the liquid diet for 2 days, i got called the day BEFORE surgery and was told my surgeon had cancelled ALL of his appointments for my date... sorry to hear about your luck but things did work out and i'd give it a chance if i were you. good luck
Tiarra, I am so glad that you have accomodated the new surgery date. Things will work out and when you are back home after the surgery everything will seem like it was for the best. Your patience will pay off and I wish you so much success with your new life that will soon be here.
Take care,
Hi Tiarra! I'm sorry things didn't work out as originally planned. I'm also glad you called them to find out what the problem was. As far as the office staff at CORI or any facility for that matter, you can't always rely on professionalism, kindness, or caring. And while we may like and even want those things, I think what's most important is that we're comfortable with the surgeon and his skills, knowledge, and capabilities. He's the one working on you, after all. I know many will disagree, and perhaps speculate that a surgeon is represented by his staff. You must decide if those qualifications out weigh the attitudes of the other representatives. I've heard many negative things about the CORI center in general, but NOTHING of the surgeons. The complaints were about office staff, lack of notification of surgeons leaving, etc. But again, nothing about a bad experience with the surgeons themselves. (Not to say they aren't out there) Try not to think in terms of days...think, it's 72 hours later.
It might make it a little more bearable!