Date Change!!
Today I had my PAT and found out that the earlier date they were shooting for was approved.
My date has jumped from Dec 20 to next week on the 7th
Of course after they told me that they took my blood pressure- which was crazy high! (not to mention finals in school, grandma being sick, and life!) I was so shocked I asked her to take it again and it still read high, so I am on blood pressure medicine.
The Dr. had an emergency so I missed the nutrition meeting today so instead I will do it wed the 6th :D
I'm excited and I can't wait! I found a good food shrink, I had wanted to talk to her before I started- let's see if we can cram it in !
I also told my sister about my blog (she's a journalist) and she wants to pitch to her boss doign follow up articles. NOt sure what I think about that - since I tend to be kinda private, but we'll see!
Thought I wouild share- and babble