Mary A.K.A. Irishlas
Hey Mary,
It was good to see you last night. I'm glad you came to the meeting. I wish I had more time to talk with you. It looks like you may have found a partner who can understand a little bit better, even though we all understand how hard it can get.... I figured out why I'm not getting any mail at my hotmail account~I gave you the wrong e-mail address. The correct one is [email protected] please pass it along and ask for everyone (that wants to) to resend me their E-mail address's and phone numbers. If any one has them, Please send me Dr. Carlin's, Annette's, and Wanda's E-mail address's. Thank you. It was great to see everyone last night. Jeanne(Sp?) thanks for bringing me the vitamins. Patty you are looking great~as is everyone else. I went to see Mark yesterday. He was doing pretty good. A little sore but doing real well for a guy. He wasn't even using his pump~until the potassium drip.... that was earlier in the day. He didn't even have his morphine pump when I got there. Carol had her surgery yesterday, and so did Margaret(Sp?), and one more person that had went somewhere, so I didn't get to see her. So we have 4 more losers YEA
KITTY 3 LITTLE POUND'S~YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! KELLY~where are you girl? Hi Renee, and everyone else. I miss you all and can't wait to get back. Mary thank you for the cut and paste. Idea~maybe someone can cut and paste the messages and E-mail them to me LOL I'm brilliant HAHAHA
Love you guy's.
God bless,
I just did the cut and paste thing now. Was thinking what if you e-mail directly to
[email protected] ? maybe your e-mails will get through for you. Wouldn't hurt to try.
Hey Mary,
Thank you. I tried that, it didn't work. Brandee is going to try from her computer with my info. Maybe she can get me on. I've tried every way I can think of, even called yahoo~that didn't work either even though I talked to a real person. Oh well I'll keep trying until it works. Thank you Mary, Love you.
God bless you,