I am freezing all the time too. My family likes to make fun of me. We keep our house anywhere between 73 and 74. My Mom keeps her house at 66 and I freeze when I am there. I wear a long sleeved shirt under my scrubs too. It is really weird but I guess now that we lost all of our insulation this happens ya know.
I hit plateau in January 06 (just 6 months out for me then) at 160's, and stayed there until about 2 months ago when I got into 150's. Kind of happens - we hit plateaus and it's hard to get out. Like we're stuck.
Don't give up've come a great distance from when you first startetd!!!
And great work on the exercise and trainer!!!
Keep that great smile going and your positive attitude and you'll hit your goal!!!
Stacey W
I think you look great...and I wouldn't worry about not losing any more weight. Even though I'm not as far along as you are, it seems that with WLS, as soon as you think you won't loose anymore....all of a sudden, the pounds will come off. Just look at how far you've come. As long as you're conscious about what you're putting in, I know you will reach your goal. You rock!