WLS Mythbuster time!
All what you said was true. While I feel that I have not bashed Kevin, and I don't always like what he says, I know it's true.
I have never blamed my surgeon for my weight gain. Althought I have bounced between a pound or two, anything more than that is MY FAULT!!
Yestrday, I decided to try a BITE of sweet potatoes. I did not have the marshmellow with it. I seemed fine, but really I didn't feel good at all (my stomach had been woozie all day anyway). I'm not going to blame the sweet potatoes, but I'm not going to blame me, at least not yet! I'm gonna try them again and if I feel the same way, then I will have learned my lesson.
Am I happy with the way I look? Yes and No. Yes, I am happy that I'm not longer carrying around all of that extra weight that I was before I had the surgery in 2005. No, I feel that I could stand to lose a few more pounds. I know that I will have to work at it - no body is gonna do it for me!
If you are on a soap box Jon, then I will stop, look up and listen to you. I will not, however, put you, Kevin, or anyone else on a pedstal. While I do look to people on this board for advice and support, I made the mistake many years ago of putting someone on a pedstal. When I saw another side of this person, they fell off and crashed to the ground. I was devistated. Because of this, I have learned that everyone is human and makes mistakes, and the Lord knows that I have made my share....
Jon, Thank you for a posting such a true and insightful post. I hope you will copy and post this through out the year as many will need this thoughtfull information. I do know that sugar coating will not solve some of the problems I see posted on here by people seeking help. Again thanks so much for a post that is so well deserved.
Take care,