first real wow moment
Hi everyone
I have been waiting for this day---- for someone that didnt know I had the surgery to notice and ask if I have been loosing weight and asked how much Ive lost 42 1/2 pounds, surgery was Sept 12 and I feel so much better. I dont see the lose when I look in the mirror but I know I have gotten rid of some clothes and know there is more to go. The second hand store have been great while going down in sizes.
My body doesnt hurt every night, my heals dont hurt , my back dosent hurt. The only problem I have is when I was 3 weeks out and I was rushing through the house bare footed and I stepped in dog pee ( we had a new puppy) and down I went on my right side. my shoulder has really been bothering me, and I just dont want to have to do the doctor thing and probably physical therpy. Hey but maybe I could use the other exercise equipment. hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving I am very thankful for the surgery
Ann Sonnenberg
He's a miniture dashound. Yes I would have surely hurt him. He was my modivation for walking following my surgery. We had one for 15 years and we had to put him down in Jan. Oliver is a sweet boy alot different than our first one he has a very sweet nature our other one was our protector and was afraid of nothing. Oliver wouldn't hurt a flea.
ann sonnenberg