anyone from up north ?
Yep! I'm from Prudenville! Not far at all from you. And yes, please join us at our support group if you'd like! The next one is this coming Monday, the 27th @ 7pm. I just got back on messenger at home, and now my computer is acting up! So I'm jotting this note quickly at work. Have to have some repairs done to it, so won't be up and running at home for a bit. Best of luck! Theresa
Hi Sherry!
I live in McBain and I have messenger but have never used it. My messenger name is the same as my email I think - mama2_4boys. So nice to see others who live close by. We also have a support group that meets in Cadillac on the 4th Saturday of the month, in case you are interested, just email me for info
Sorry it has taken so long to get back to everyone , with the holidays ..I been so busy..
josh I can"t believe how many of you live around me ..and I didnt no there were support groups up this way ..I thought I would have to go a long ways !!
Laura where is the support group in cadillac ? that is a little closer for me so excited !!! ICAN NOT WAIT TO GO TO ONE ..
hugs to all Sherry