Bone Butt Skin
As you know, I 'complained' back some time ago that since I had lost so much weight, I could feel the bones in my butt. Now it seems to have gotten worse....
I have Bone Butt Skin
I noticed it not too long ago. It seems that where the leg meets the butt is where it's at. I have TWO patches of Bone Butt Skin. I was taking a nice hot bubble when I discovered them. They feel like they are about the size of the indent of your palm and they feel like rough elbows!!
I have put lotion on them but to no avail. I know I probably got this from sitting on a hard chair at the (we have no other choice for the chair; it's in the kitchen. I think we're gonna have to get a chair pad or something.
Anyhow, how did you deal with this??