Overnight in the hospital
I just arrived home from spending 24 hours in the hospital. I have been having incredibly uncomfortable chest pain for about 3 weeks. I've had 4 episodes of this pain, it takes 15 - 20 minutes to subside. I thought I was having a heart attack, thus the visit to the ER. It turns out my heart is fine. They did numerous EKG's, blood draws, a stress test and an echo. My heart is OK. That's the good news. The bad news is that I still don't know what is wrong with me. I will ask my PCP when I see him on Monday if it could be a hernia. I've been reading about hernias since I've been home and I see that thay can causes similar symptoms to what I've been having. I know there have been lots of people here with hernias....any input?
I had the same thing for years (mine was all post-op). I had chest pain, pain going down my arms and across my back. I went to the ER numerous times and it became a embarresment ( I work there). After years of normal results (which I am glad of). I finally had a cardiac cath and it was normal. Meaning...it was NOT my heart. When I lost weight, all the pain stopped. I have had no problems in 3 years.
At the time...I also saw a Rheumtologits thinking it was some kind of inflammatory issue. That was all negative as well.
Make sure they check your Gallbladder, some of the symptoms are the same as cardiac. Many people say when they have a gallbladder attack if feels like they are having a heart attack.
Best of luck and hope someone can solve your problem. I know how frustrating it is.