Two weeks post op from TT report
Hello there oh.commers (not commoners!-we are royalty!)
I'm two weeks post op of my abdominoplasty as of today -October 27th was my surgery day and here are how things are going:
First and MOST important: MOM HAS LEFT THE BUIDLING!!!!!!!!!!!! ![](
(she is on her way home for a break from naggy old me and to tend to her home, life and the visitors coming in for deer hunting) However, the visit and 16 days we spent together weren't that bad after all (hey, I got a clean = no SPOTless apartment and organized cupboards and drawers and the best home cooked meals a girl could ask for) ......I would say she was much appreciated and it was likewise. It went great.
Second, I'm ready for Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as the "BALLOON" display with my humongous swollen legs and belly. ![](
Third, my drainage tubes are looking spiffy -- today's numbers are 2.5 and 3.0 in the remaining 3 tubes I have and the color is closer to light light pink than a deep red.
Fourth, I'm feeling good, taking one day at a time, not overdoing it, and doing little walks around and not lifting and being very responsible for my needs.
Fifth, I would prefer a Fifth of Frangelco but because I don't drink and then there is the thing with alcohol and percocet- they just don't mix.
Sixth, I'm very pleased that I can wear size small clothes now, and that the pajamas my dear friend Phyllis Gilbert brought me this week fit me to a T and they are size 6/8 HOLY COW WOW did I just say that??????????? ![](
And finally, I notice that when I look in the mirror , I have not only a figure, but a waistline. I"ve seen parts of my inner thighs I've not seen in over 2-3 decades, and I've been able to fit into pants I thought I'd never ever wear. WOWWWWWWWWWW
Tomorrow November 11 is my 2nd week post op appt with Dr Vincent DiNick so we'll see how things are going.
Many thanks to Just_Jane again and again for her AMAZING hospitality and kindness and generosity towards myself and My Mom (who needed the most tending to!) and for her ability to put up with me post op and be the wonderful generous hostess ever.
Many thanks to Carey Poisson.....I can't say enough about her...she is a true gift and warm kind loving woman whom truly reflects her passion for her work with Dr. DiNick.
I'm thrilled so far at how things are going but I've many more weeks and months to recover and heal and stop swelling ----one day at a time.
Thanks for letting me share!!!
Stacey W
Somewhere in Michigan enjoying the peace and quiet
and Mom home where she belongs not being burdened by my nuisances!!!
Thanks hon. I'm taking one day that is 1 day at a time. Slow moves, very few moves and following Docs orders.
I agree, this may be a new beginning for my Mom and I and how I took this whole 16 day venture, was that she was the boss, and I let her have her way, and just sat back and baby me and it just worked great. We have a few small disagreements but I let her win certain battles and I chose to win certain battles. They were small ones at that.
Thank you both. I'm feeling good today and looking forward to my visit with Dr.DiNick tomorrow.
Stacey W
For the record. I didn't do it to be nice, I wanted to see what this abdominoplasty stuff is all about. I need to make decisions for my future. I gotta say, my jury is still out. Lotsa pain, lotsa stuff not for the squeamish. But folks, she's looking good! And I know her back won't bother her anymore from the sagging skin.
And about your mom, why wouldn't I take care of a fellow cribbage player? I'm looking forward to my Mexican vacation with her! She did all the hard work in caring for you, I only found stuff and growled as needed. I'm putting the doorbell back outside as soon as I find some double-stick tape. No more couch service for you, chickadee.
Seriously, it was great to have company, it made this place seem more like home. Let me know what the good doctor has to say at this visit!