Hi Robin,
There's no easy answer, but maybe you could get into a clinical trial? Go to www.clinicaltrials.gov, and enter "obesity" in the search criteria. A lot of times they are comparing weight loss surgeries, and I don't know for certain, but it sounds like they will give you the surgery for free if you take part in their study.
Best of luck!
Hi Robin,
First are you working? If not are you able to work? Do you have a disability that prevents you from working? If you are able bodied then I would suggest that you find a job that carries insurance that will cover all or part of the cost of surgery. Or find a job and start clearing up your credit report. If you are disabled you can apply for social security which if you qualify for it, they will provide you with medical coverage called medicare. If you don't qualify for social security, maybe you qualify for state aide to help you get back on your feet? I don't know what they offer in Pa. . I was disabled and applied for social security, while waiting for that I applied for state aid. and qualified for it. The medical coverage they provided did pay for my surgery. Because of this surgery I am no longer disabled. I work and provide for myself and my family. I have lost 214 pounds and can do what ever I put my mind to doing. You can to. Best wishes to you. Please let us know the steps you are taking to help get yourself healthy. Sometimes it seems impossible to have this surgery, but remember where there's a will there's a way. If you want it bad enough you will find a way to get it. Take care.
May God bless you,