Okay, I'm ready to tell!!!
Why thank you Lizzie :::::blushing:::::: I try and keep my attitude upbeat, but it is hard sometimes.... that is what the meds are for... LOL.....
Yes, I did make it to meeting last night. I only stayed for an hour and half though. The conversation was great and I got a lot of questions answered for after my surgery. Katie was very helpful. There was one other person, and I could kick myself for forgetting who it was. She hasn't posted on the boards though, she knows Shannon. We had a good time even though there was only 3 of us. Wish you could have made it. Maybe I will get a chance to meet you in Jan. I am not planning on next month since it is only 4 days after my surgery. Thanks again for the compliment, I hope my attitude (when good of course) is infectious.
Shawn M.
Those are some wonderful wow moments Lizzie!!!! I'm so excited for you about your tt. You're going to LOVE the results (but you wont see the REAL results until about Valentine's Day due to the swelling). I've found that ppl who knew me in my "former" life, say that I've lost too much, when are you going to stop (even though I've been the same weight for almost 6 mths, they still are saying it)lol But those ppl who I have me since moving to Sebewaing - they don't say I look "ill" or "too thin" it's all a matter of perspective.
Congrats on your tt date!!!!
Cant wait to hear abuot your size 6's after tt!!! heeeheehee
Hugs -