Need help with pills
I used natural applesauce where the ONLY ingredients were apple. some of them add concentrated apple juice for sweetener and that adds sugar but allows them to say "no sugar added".
Of course i only used a baby spoons worth of it to get the pills down so it really wasn't an issue but once again, i'd recommend the protein pudding instead.
Get Natural Applesauce. Read the label to make sure they did not add sugar. The sugar that is registered on the label will be a natural sugar which most people don't get sick on, plus you are only using enough applesauce to get your pills down. Good Luck! I still crush my pills at 3 years out and I still have trouble getting some pills down.
I know this may sound funny coming from an adult, but I swear by it. I my nose to take anything nasty! I swear it works! You CANNOT taste it UNTIL you let go of your nose, so what used to do was mix my crushed pills with a little crystal light or water in a medicine cup....ends up being about 2 tablespoons of liquid/meds...hold your nose and drink it down like a shot, but DON'T let go of your nose until you have a little taste of something...peanut butter worked well for me.. I'd have it ready on a spoon. Just a smidge to clear your mouth of the taste, and then take a little sip of something....after that, then and ONLY then do you let go of your nose. I promise you it works!!! Try it! Hugs, Theresa
that makes total sense. most of what we experience as flavor is actually smell. when we learned this in school everyone was so incredulous that we tested it out by trying different foods with our noses pinched. it worked. taste is only a small part of FLAVOR. flavor is made up of taste, smell, texture, temperature, texture etc. Coffee and Chocolate for example are flavors made up of mostly smell not taste.