God is good ALL the time
Why can't I ever remember that? Well, once again, thank you for your support. I am finding out how special this website is and that there truely are people like you all, *****ally care. Well, I told you that I talked to Sister Betty and it must of paid off. Sarah (demon spawn) called me this afternoon and said that if I just paid my COBRA premium and made arrangements to pay off the rest that it would be ok to do it that way. Geez Louise...why couldn't she have said that to begin with. That tactic probably bullies a lot of patients. It just made ME angry. So...all is well on the Mattawan front and the surgery presses on. I don't know if or who could have cancelled that surgery but some heads were coming with me if they did cancel it. I am a kind, loving, gentle and understanding godly woman....until i'm pushed a wee too far and then "grizzly bear" is a better comparison. I love you all so much and will keep you posted.
Hugs and Hugs