Dining Out??
I really had a hard time with fast food right after my surgery. I'm about 6 months out and I just now got a handle on it. I've always been totally addicted to eating out, which is why I was always overweight. After my surgery, I would literally cry I wanted fast food so bad.
I still do eat it, but not like I did before. I have two boys and we're always running around doing sports and clubs....so we have to pick up a quick dinner. It sounds like you have the right idea, going online to get the nutritional values. That's what I did and I make smart choices whenever I go out. I was also a diet coke person, so now I totally stay away from it, because I don't trust myself to stop drinking it. You can try diet pepsi slurpees from 7-11. The one on Wayne Rd. S of Cherry Hill always has them. But they do have caffeine, so be careful, and just have one as a treat once in a while.
Your WLS experience will be much better if you allow yourself to recognize cravings, and then eat what is smart. It sounds like you're doing just that. If you just have to have chips, then get some baked lays and have a few and move on.
I really know how you feel, and in time, you will settle into a routine and try foods you haven't thought of before.
I actually do pretty well with taco bell - I just have one crunchy taco supreme. I started out eating half and now I can eat most of one. It sits pretty well. I have actually had good luck with mexican food - it doesn't seem to bother me at all. I don't worry about fat - I just try to eat a variety of things and try to stick with good fats.