Need to share....
Hi everyone...........I had such an AMAZING day yesterday I just have to share it with you.
As most of you know I'm riding horses, taking lessons and soon will be leasing the horse I ride, Junior. is our photo.
Sunday it was such a perfect day here in Central Mi, I took off to the farm at about 1015am and spend the entire afternoon out there. I started my day by going out to the far corral and getting Junior who was eating grass with two other geldings. (Junior is a gelding also) We walked to the barn where I cross tied him and began his "Day at the spa!!!" (that's what they call grooming a horse in horse talk!) I spent about a half an hour with him grooming him and feeding him apples!! He enjoyed it thoroughly. (did you know that a horse can tell you how they feel? just have to listen and watch their eyes and bodies).
I took him back out to the corral and let him out with the other two guys. Then walking back into the barn, the farm owner and my riding instructor and her grand-daughter, daughter and a student/ boarder were going out on a trail ride and asked me to join them! I wasn't on a horse but was leading the grand-daughter at various points through the trail and woods. At one point, the daughters horse saw a deer and reared up! After the trail ride they went into the back hay field (where the owner grows her own hay- ALFALFA!) and they rode around cantering and trotting.
We walked back to the barn and the girls rode in the arena bareback. I took the tack into the barn and was helping out so Joyce called me her "stable hand" for the day.
I ended up bringing in 5 of the horses that were out in various corrals and then gave them all fresh water and helped Joyce feed them also. A good friend of mine showed up who owns a horse out there and we talked for what seems like an hour about her horse and things.
I ended up coming home about 5pm and was absolutely filthy and smelled much like a horse and had horse hair all over my jacket (now in the washer!) and just totally dirty and happier than a kid in a candy store!!!!!
I realized while I was in the shower that the day I had just spent out there --- was by far the BEST day of my life so far in 2006. It was truly amazing to be a part of the fall colors, surrounded by horses and people who were genuinely wonderful and sweet, and to be filthy by horse dirt and hair--- Just my idea of being a real horse person.
I found myself totally worn out last night when I went to bed and woke up this morning totally in a great mood and happier than anything. Plus, my cold has diminished and although I feel great, I have a little bit of a "hoarse voice" but am feeling just spiffy!!!
Thanks for letting me share.........
my great day!!!
Stacey W
11 days to TT